Dinosaur cuddly toy

Last Saturday was my nephew Charlie’s 3rd birthday party. He is mad for dinosaurs  and could tell a spinosaurus from a T-rex (I’d never heard of a spinosaurus before he told  me showed me one). I remembered that I’d seen a tutorial to make a dinosaur soft toy last September over on the Green dragonfly blog. Janette’s dinosaur  was my inspiration for the dinosaur I wanted to make for Charlie. However I wanted to make him something a bit smaller so he could take it to bed with him. As he favours the upright dinosaurs I thought I’d design an one like this.

I began by drawing out a template on a piece of paper.

creative pixie dinosaur template web

Here (creative pixie dinosaur template) is a PDF of the template for you to print out any size you want (a seam allowance hasn’t been included so cut out your design 1cm bigger than the template). I then selected the fabrics I wanted to use. A sage green fleece for the body, a Tilda print fabric for the spots and felt for the eyes and spikes.

materials web

I cut the spikes off the template, placed 2 pieces of fleece right side together and pinned the body onto the fleece. I then cut round this (allowing for a seam).

pin template web

The spikes were cut out from the brown felt, the eyes from the white and black felt. I ironed some fusible web onto the back of the Tilda fabric so that it wouldn’t fray when I cut it. I then arranged all the pieces together to see how they look together.

place together web

I selected my threads…

gather thread web

and got out my trusty sewing machine.

sewing needle web

Little Elsie was fascinated with the machine. On the right side of the fleece I sewed on the eyes…

sewing the eye web

sewed on the spots…

sewing spots web

and I sewed arms by doing a straight stitch for definition.

defining the arms web

These actions have to be done for both sides of the dinosaur (unless you want a plain side).  The spikes were then pinned to the right side of the fleece, as shown. The other side of the dinosaur was placed on top of this (so the 2 right sides are facing each other with the spikes in the middle.

lay spikes inside web

When this is all pinned together it is sewn together allowing for the a 1cm seam allowance, leaving the bottom of the feet unsewn to allow for stuffing.

sew round web

The dinosaur is turned right side out and then stuffed with some toy stuffing. Stuff depending on how firm you want the dinosaur to be, the more stuffing inside the firmer the dinosaur. The open seam was then hand stitched closed with invisible stitching.

hand sewing web

So here he is…..tah dah!

dinosaur on the grass web

Charlie was very happy with his dinosaur present and immediately introduced it to one of his dino friends 🙂

charlie and dino 2 web

I hope you’re inspired to make your own dino friend.


11 thoughts on “Dinosaur cuddly toy

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful toy!!! I’m going to make this cute dino like a gift for friend of mine son birthday Wilf will be in heaven :))) Whish me luck 🙂

  2. Hello creative pixie again 🙂 It’s take a time to find the blog again, but I found you 🙂
    I did it and the boy and his mum just loves the toy. Even they gave it a name. I decided to make it using only hand stitching to be quicker and I made a greeting card to match as well. It took me a few hours. I don’t know how to show you the pictures, and with your permission just will post a link to my fb album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.746374098753650.1073741837.485945301463199&type=3
    Thank you so much again.
    PS: This kind of soft toys making is very easy and every one should try 🙂

    1. Wow! Thanks for getting in touch, your dinosaur looks amazing. I’m glad he has a loving new home. Jean x

    2. Forgot to say that you can put a link on your Facebook page to where you got your inspiration from 😉

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